How Many Spiders Do You Eat In Your Sleep

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How Many Spiders Do You Eat in Your Sleep?

Have you ever wondered how many spiders you eat in your sleep? It’s a common myth that we swallow eight spiders every year, but is there any truth to it? Let’s delve into the science behind this fascinating claim.

While it’s highly unlikely that you’re consuming arachnids in your slumber, the origin of this myth is intriguing. It’s believed to have originated from a misinterpretation of a 1993 study, which suggested that the average person swallows an average of three spiders per year. However, this study was based on assumptions and estimations made in a jest, not from actual data.

Spiders in Your Bedroom

While you may not be eating spiders in your sleep, it’s not uncommon for these creatures to find their way into your bedroom. Spiders are attracted to dark, warm, and humid environments, making your bedroom a prime spot for them to hide. They don’t typically bite or pose a threat to humans unless provoked.

Spider Bites

If you do happen to get bitten by a spider, most bites will cause only minor irritation or swelling. However, certain species such as the brown recluse or black widow can cause more severe reactions. If you experience severe pain, swelling, or discomfort after a spider bite, it’s important to seek medical attention.

Preventing Spiders in Your Bedroom

There are several steps you can take to prevent spiders from making their way into your bedroom:

  • Keep your bedroom clean and free of clutter
  • Seal any cracks or gaps in your walls and windows
  • Vacuum regularly, paying close attention to corners and crevices
  • Use a spider repellent spray or diffuser
  • Remove any potential food sources for spiders, such as insects or pet food


While it’s unlikely that you’re swallowing spiders in your sleep, spiders can occasionally find their way into your bedroom. By following these tips, you can help reduce the likelihood of spiders entering your bedroom and potentially biting you.

Are you curious about spiders? Have you ever had a spider encounter in your sleep? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below. Remember to visit our website for more fascinating articles and information.

Do we really swallow spiders in our sleep? | HowStuffWorks

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